This week, after many requests, Daniel and Jack take a look at cult-leader, ancap, blowhard, bullshit-artist, white-nationalist, misogynist, narcissist, and phoney-philosopher Stefan Molyneux.
As always, warning apply.
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Show Notes:
Cantwell News!
Chris Cantwell takes a break
...but not for long enough
Martin Sellner background (ironically most of these links are in German):
Stefan Molyneux, cult leader:
Guardian article on Free Domain Radio, 'deFOOing', SM as cult-leader
On SM as cult leader, FDR 'deFOOing', etc
FDR Liberated - blog and forum for people who have escaped SM's influence; collates lots of info on SM
FDR Liberated on Joe Rogan interviewing SM
Stefan's wife, therapist Christina Papadopoulos, reprimanded by Ontario College of Psychiatrists for "professional misconduct" after encouraging SM's fans to sever connections with their families (i.e. 'deFOO'). SM later lied about this to Joe Rogan.
Video from former Stefan fan detailing their disillusion
Stefan Molyneux, racist:
The 100 Year March: A Philosopher in Poland
Why I Was Wrong About Nationalism
"An Honest Conversation About Race," with Jared Taylor
"The Truth About Slavery"
Stefan Molyneux on White Genocide in South Africa
Interview with Lauren Southern
Stefan Molyneux on Race and IQ
Eric Turkheimer episode, October 2015
Stefan Molyneux in Australia:
"When Media Interview Goes Very Very Wrong!"
Recent Molyneux:
SM is still giving internet therapy
SM pushing eugenics Idiocracy-style
SM is learning to play Minecraft from his daughter
SM blames female suffrage for the invasion of white countries
SM whines about antifascists opposing him
Stefan Molyneux on the Gillette ad
Dirt and Debunks:
Devastating review of SM's The Art of the Argument. And another. And another.
Ben Burgis schools SM on what is and isn't an argument
SM as anti-psychiatry and mental illness denialist
SM at RationalWiki
SM chronicled at We Hunted the Mammoth
Descent of Manosphere on SM
Potholer54 looks at SM's conversation with climate change denier Christopher Monckton
Video documenting SM as liar and plagiarist
Video on SM and IQ racism from The Serfs
Video exposing SM as 'race realist' and white supremacist
Video by José 'How Stefan Molyneux Repackages Social Darwinism'
Sean debunks SM on Rome, the genocide of the Native Americans, and his ludicrous 'film criticism' re Star Wars and Wonder Woman and seriously just go watch every video by Sean.
SM's video 'The Truth About Karl Marx' debunked
Stefan's tweets (referenced in ep):
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